Friday, March 12, 2010

Action/ Adventure Genre

I definitely have a love for the Action/Adventure it always has a way of getting me caught up in the story line. I'm not drawn to any specific movie in the genre because i like so many of them. Lately I saw Percy Jackson and the Olympians - The Lightening thief, This was a great movie that shows the Action/ Adventure genre perfectly.

The Superhero sub-genre I don't really enjoy as much, I don't really know why but there not as appealing to me as just Action/ Adventure movies or books. They don't have a moral behind them I guess that could be, maybe I subconsciously wish to learn something from a movie or want to have a feeling that the hero has learned something about themselves or changed.
I believe humans created them to solve problems that normal people couldn't solve, and they give us a false sense of security. We have this feeling cause we imagine them being real or taking after law enforcement. When we have this thought we feel as if they can do anything and would do anything to save people. Everyone wants to feel safe and that someone would always be there to protect us when were in danger.

I don't know where the sub-genre will go from here, but I'm sure just cause the Dark Knight was so "Amazing" doesn't mean they can't stop there. There is so much more they could do with these movies and I feel like they'll continue to push what they can do. I feel one day they push it too far and will lose all comic feel to it, an after that it's lost all it is and become just another movie with no special kick to it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm exactly the same way. I need a hero to learn something or have some personality shift.
